Spring Linseed Monitor Farm 2022 - NJ & CV Turner


Considering how dry the weather has been yields were not too bad. The field near the farm yielded 0.75t/acre (1.85mt/ha) with the better and early drilled field yielding 0.85t/acre (2.1mt/ha). Now we are hoping for rain to allow drilling of the next crop.

In August rain was recorded as 13.5mm and temperatures are currently averaging 18.8 °C (see Sencrop weather data below).

Sencrop weather data NJ CV Turner August 2022



The crop is nearing desiccation just to even up the field

In July rain was recorded as 9.7mm and temperatures are currently averaging 17.5 °C (see Sencrop weather data below).

Sencrop weather data NJ CV Turner July 2022


The spring linseed benefitted from recent rain and is looking well except for a thinner area in one field that was drilled a bit later and consequently missed out on the moisture. The Linseed is just coming to the end of flowering, weed control has been good except for some fumitory in the thinner areas of the crop.

In June rain was recorded as 53.5mm and temperatures are currently averaging 14.8 °C (see Sencrop weather data below).

Sencrop weather data NJ CV Turner June 2022


The much-needed rain has arrived and the rows are filling in, ideally the crop would be thicker but there is nothing that can be done about a lack of rain. A herbicide has been applied to clean up the weeds, the crop isn’t far off green-bud stage.

Empress spring Linseed at NJ CV Turner May 2022

In May conditions were relatively dry, rain was recorded as 34.8mm of rain recorded and temperatures are currently averaging 12.5 °C (see Sencrop weather data below).

Sencrop weather data NJ CV Turner April May 2022


Drilling has started, one field has had a pre-emergence herbicide of Callisto. The other field is following grass and is going to have a pre-emergence herbicide and a roll to remove some of the clods.

Sowing Spring Linseed Variety Empress at NJ & CV Turner April 2022

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