Spring Naked Oats Agronomy

Naked Oat Monitor Farm 2020 - Robert Payne Partners

With kind permission of Tim Payne


Naked oats are slowly maturing towards harvest

'Tatran' Naked Oats maturing in Lincolnshire - July 2020

Rain is adding challenge to harvest, on top of a challenging year. In July 69.3mm of rain was recorded. Average temperatures are relatively cool for this time of year at 16.2°C (see weather data below).

Sencrop data - Robert Payne - July 2020


Naked oat have established well, some aphids have been seen in the crop and treated. Fertiliser applications are complete, some Manganese foliar applications may be applied to the crops.


Naked oat drilling has commenced on 26th March, the soils are finally starting to dry out. As spring oats can be sensitive to pre-emergence herbicides and the farm is a min-till, glyphosate will give good control of any weeds present and means starting off with a clean seedbed.

With the wet winter meaning UK wide there will be a greater area of spring crops grown, a greater diversity of spring crops will be needed to manage the risk of market price dropping due to high supply. Naked oats carry a premium over conventional oats and go into the pet food industry.

Naked oats seed in the rows

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