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Rawcliffe Bridge Award winners on minor crops


Crowned with the Rawcliffe Bridge Award for sustainability 2023 in July, the brothers’ efforts in sustainable agriculture and community engagement were of paramount significance.

Their 12-crop rotation includes linseed, canary seed and millet, plus the more conventional wheat, barley, potatoes, beans and sugar beet.

Featured in CPM Magazine, “It’s this diversity which Lloyd says should help to protect the business while external factors remain unstable.”

“Being honest, profitability remains our driver but we believe that it can co-exist with a sustainable approach.”

“Some might ask, why grow canary seed? The simple answer is, for bird food. The farm now has a business-to-consumer enterprise –– Spadger Bird Seed, as well as growing such crops on a commercial contract basis. The idea was sparked after seeing an increase in farmland birds.”

feed the birds

“Canary seed is low input, low workload and low risk” explained Matthew on review to Premium Crops.

“Linseed does a lot for the soil health, and the following wheat always performs well.”

“When late drilled into stale seed beds with a bit of moisture, these crops shoot right up and are excellent at handling blackgrass.”


As more farmers seek to reduce chemical input and increase environmental sustainability without sacrificing profit, the role of minor crops will only continue to grow.


Watch the video below to see what sustainability means to Matthew and Lloyd.

Rawcliffe Bridge Award Winner 2023: Matthew and Lloyd Smith

Premium Crops

Premium Crops are the UK’s largest specialist arable merchant. We sell seed, provide purchase contracts and offer a range of agronomical and logistical services alongside.

Tel: 02392 632883

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